[anps_featured icon="fa fa-industry" style="" title="Stencil Making of Screen Printing" image_u="2479" lightbox="true" button_text="READ MORE" link="/stencil-making-of-screen-printing/"]Screen printing is a printing technique whereby a mesh is used to transfer ink onto a substrate, except in areas made impermeable to the ink by a blocking stencil.[/anps_featured]
[anps_featured icon="fa fa-plug" style="" title="Photo Emulsion Mixture" image_u="2480" link="/photo-emulsion-mixture/" button_text="READ MORE"]Photo emulsion is thick liquid substance which reacts to light. Essentially, photo emulsion becomes “tougher” when exposed to light, making it more difficult to remove from surfaces.[/anps_featured]
[anps_featured icon="fa fa-cog" style="" title="Plate Making of Pad Printing" image_u="2481" link="/plate-making-of-pad-printing/" button_text="READ MORE"]We factors in all aspects of your particular job specifications and examines variables that will affect printing quality. Your questions are answered with the expertise to guide you to the most cost-efficient solutions.[/anps_featured]
[anps_featured icon="fa fa-fire" style="" title="Color Matching of Screen Printing" image_u="2477" link="/color-matching-of-screen-printing/" button_text="READ MORE"]We will custom-mix your special colors! Minimum batch for a non-Pantone® color is 60 gallons and we require a wet sample.[/anps_featured]
[anps_featured icon="fa fa-flask" style="" title="Solvent and Cleaner Mixture" image_u="2483" lightbox="true" link="/solvent-and-cleaner-mixture/" button_text="READ MORE"]Purposes of cleaning agents include health, beauty, removing offensive odor, and avoiding the spread of dirt and contaminants to oneself and others.[/anps_featured]
[anps_featured icon="fa fa-puzzle-piece" style="" title="Pad Printing" image_u="2482" link="/pad-printing/" button_text="READ MORE"]Pad printing (also called tampography) is a printing process that can transfer a 2-D image onto a 3-D object. This is accomplished using an indirect offset (gravure) printing process that involves an image being transferred from the cliché via a silicone pad onto a substrate.[/anps_featured]

Services & Solutions


Japan SP Solution, Inc., is a Japanese owned company was established in year 2006 and started operation from March in 2007.
It’s business evolves in the stencil making of screen printing, plate making of pad printing and other supplies for both printing method. JSPS’s state of the art operation is considered one of the best in the country.

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